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Digital / Communication Interfaces

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Replacement Product: FM Server

The Innotech GENII MPI Modem Printer Interface is a Network device that acts as the gateway into a Network of Innotech devices from a PC on the same LAN or from a remote location via a modem.

(Larger image)
  • Programmable via the Gen2Config and MaxCon software package to meet the varying needs of any installation.
  • Monitors the "Global Comms" for Alarms, and initiates a dial out via the modem to remote locations designated in the dialing list.
  • Monitors the "Global Comms" for system values and variables designated for printout to the printer.
  • Provides control of the modem to allow dial in from a remote location.
  • Allows Gen2 and Maxim programs to access any Innotech device on the "Net Comms" channel.
  • Permits direct Alarm reporting to a pager system via modem.
  • Permits direct Alert reporting to digital phone with short message service (SMS) facility.
  • Supports fax out using a Class II modem.
  • Supports Gen2Alert software on local or remote PC for alarm reporting.
  • LED indication of GenII MPI mode.
  • LED indication of COMMS activity.
  • Service Mode to prevent alarm dial outs during system maintenance.
  • Alarm acknowledge to reset alarm output relay.
  • Mode selection allows PC to use modem for other functions.

  • GenII MPI
  • GenII DATA cable for connection to PC.
  • TF60844 240V AC to 16V AC 1.5Amp Plug Pack
  • RJ12 COMMS socket and 3 metre lead for connection to "Global" and "Net" COMMS.
  • Full "HAYES" compatible modem with minimum 9600 Baud.
  • Any ASCII compatible printer with a parallel port, and the capability to print line by line without ejecting the paper.
  • Typically dot matrix and inkjet printers meet this requirement, whereas laser printers do not.